Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Collared (NSFW)

to put a collar on; furnish with a collar

I get asked periodically about my lifestyle.  I answer and get the odd looks or snickers or whatever so today, here, I'm going to explain just a small piece of why I am what I am...or why I do what I do.
I am a submissive.  I am intelligent, head strong, and fairly well-rounded.  I am not abused, meek, cowed or quiet.  I have a normal, demanding job; a family, including mostly grown kids etc...few if any of my family knows of my lifestyle-because I choose it that way.

Here is one part of MY D/s relationship:
Everyone has stress.  Bad days, bills, etc..  I also have anxiety to go along with everyday crap.  Days that are hard or if I have too much pile up, I start getting anxious.  I get scattered and cant concentrate.  Sir knows this. Some D/s couples call their time together 'scenes' Ive always called mine 'sessions'.  Sir knows when I need one.
He will attach my collar around my throat and almost immediately I start to feel a calm come over me.  I hand over control to Sir and as I have total trust in him, I am suddenly more in control of me, of my emotions.  Since I can hand things over to Him, I can let go and settle and what was feeling scattered begins to come together.  
A bit more into a session and I can breathe.  I've let go of the stresses. I've gathered strength from his strength and I have the freedom to let all my worries and fears and bitchiness just drift away.  I actually relax when collared and in a session. 
After the session, the important things are still there but the anxiety , the bad day, the little bitchy, and unimportant stuff?  Those things are gone. My control is back. I can focus, concentrate.  I am settled and calm. 
This is why I am collared.  His collar truly is my freedom

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